

Imagine if travel was more than just a beach. More than just a mai tai. More than just a frolic in the sun with some fake Ray Bans and an ice cream. Well, for us, it is. Because our industry is growing fast. And that growth means more travel. And more travel means we have a greater responsibility than ever before to help make the world a better place. You with us?

 They say people always show their true colours, but do brands? Talk is cheap and anyone can claim to recycle or use eco light bulbs. We embrace radical transparency so everyone can see our TruColours.

Giving Back To Local Communities

We're passionate about giving back to the local communities we travel in while minimising our environmental impact as much as possible. We support several community and development projects, local charities and help to raise money and awareness for worthwhile causes.

Educate On Sustainable Travel

We take sustainable travel seriously & are conscious of our footprint. We do our bit by organising beach cleans, taking local transport where possible & recycling at our offices. We aim to reduce single-use plastic & suggest alternatives such as paper straws & reusable metal bottles.

Address Issues of Inequality

By using local suppliers and hiring locals where possible, we aim to address the massive inequality gap that exists in our world today. We make sure the money spent by those who can afford to travel, goes tot those who need it, for basic amenities, education and other things we take for granted.

Be A Force For Good

We have a vision for uniting people, companies and charities from all over the world with the common goal of reducing the massive global equality divide & negative impact on our environment. We believe that this is the key to creating a more peaceful & happier planet to live on.

Animal Welfare

TruTravels recognises the importance of animal welfare within the tourism industry and it is a key part of our commitment to responsible travel. We do not promote elephant trekking or riding on any of our trips. Some of our trips include visiting sanctuaries, and we ensure these are ethical sanctuaries where the only contact that we have with the elephants is to take part in some of the daily tasks associated with the day to day running of the sanctuary such as feeding and bathing them.