We only do positive vibes around here! But for those of you wondering what is Blue Monday? Statistically, it is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. People are in that post Christmas, New Year New Me dip and it being the middle of the month we've probably already spent our wages on useless shit from Amazon. Plus in the words of Akon we're 'Locked up they won't let me outttttttt' BLAAA.

BUT We're here to bring you positive news and good vibes every day, but especially on Blue Monday, scratch that. IT'S TRU MONDAY.



In the spirit of turning your Blue Monday into a Tru Monday, WE'RE GIVING AWAY A TRIP TO EUROPE! Yep, a FREE trip to Europe this summer, or even summer 2022. You choose. We're running our comp for 48 HOURS ONLY. So you know, you've got to be in it to win it. Order that new bikini or budgie smuggler, we're going to Europe! ENTER HERE!


 A lot of crazy shit happened in 2020. But along with January the 18th 2021 being Blue Monday it is also National Winnie The Pooh Day, National Thesaurus Day, National Michigan Day and National Peking Duck Day. So, if you need an excuse to indulge in a Chinese takeaway tonight Well, you're just celebrating an honouring national Peking Duck day. You're welcome.


Yeah we want to get away right now, but sitting indoors with WHAM'S Club Tropicana on repeat whilst wearing our funkiest shit shirt is as about as good as it gets right now. But Summer ISN'T cancelled. With big festivals such as ParkLife planning a comeback in September 2021 and more and more people searching online 'Where can I travel this summer?' Well, it seems that we're all ready for the summer of a lifetime. Catch us sunbathing on a yacht somewhere (hopefully) in Greece with a Mojito in hand, how 'bout that?


 Ok so by now you must have heard of Jemima Packingston AKA Mystic Veg. She tells the future by flinging asparagus in the air and interpreting the way the land. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well it just so happens, she's correctly predicted Hazza & Megan leaving the royal family, Brexit, AND England winning the cricket world cup. 65-year-old Mystic Veg has predicted that vaccines will bring a return to the new normal by June 2021. So if asparagus wasn't your favourite vegetable before, it bloody well should be now.


 Catch yourself a deal this Blue Monday by booking a holiday. We've got up to 40% off tours on our site, that's a lot of mulla to be saved! Open dated travel AND Β£1 deposits. No for real, we're serious. Travel open dated, secure your trip, grab yourself some discount, plaster all over Instagram you've booked ya bucket list holiday using our super cool new filter and choose the dates at a later stage. No rush, no stress all that for a quid. The price of a can of coke, probably the price of a freddo these days. Thnx inflation.

ANYWAY Happy TruMonday TruFam! Get entering our comp, checking out our site and visiting your local Tesco to buy some asparagus to take home and predict your future.

Hey, Mondays aren't so bad after all.

As always TruFam.

Don't Quit Your Daydream



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