Sometimes you want to travel solo as a gal but it can be be overwhelming if you've never travelled before, or are used to travelling in groups. But don't worry, some of us gals here at Tru have solo travelled so we like to think we can give ya some advice!





Always try new activities and do things you've never done before. There's always travel stalls around that you can you help you sign up to new activities. Connecting with the locals is always a good idea because they'll give you some recs, from food, drink and sightseeing spots.





It goes without saying, if you solo travel you need to be a bit more vigilant, so make sure you stay connected. Always carry a portable charger so you’ll always have maps on your phone and can update your friends and family on your whereabouts just in case of emergencies.





Choose to stay in hostels that are well reviewed and researched. You can stay in female-only dorms or women-friendly hotels if you want to just stay with girls of you want to. You can get the Hostelworld app so you can see pics, reviews, and info before booking your hostels.





If you fancy doing things with other gals rather than solo for a few days, join a group tour and adventure designed for fellow travellers! They can help you make friends with other gals whilst you're out there and you can end up making friends for life. If this sounds like a bit of you, we’ve got tours with Gals Who Travel. You can travel with other girls in a safe and fun environment, have a look here!

We hope this helps, having a community of women travelling solo is something we love having here at Tru, see you there girlies!


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