Tru News

No Fake News. Just Good News

Here at TruHQ there's not much that we love more than travelling, but writing about our travels and passing our wisdom on to others does come a close second. Below is a selection of blogs written by our team to inspire, guide and help you in your future travels! Happy reading!

TruCrew - Jun 23, 2023
BEST BEACH CLUBS IN BALI If you’ve already been to Bali, or you're thinking about going, there's nothing better than chilling at…
We know that this pandemic has hit everyone really hard and we know how important it is now more than ever to support those who ne…
TruCrew - Mar 11, 2020
We're on a mission to give back to our planet and the communities we travel in, and we are one step closer after taking part in Ba…
bottle beach love heart tree
Koh Phangan is most famously known as the island home to the wild wonders of the full moon party on Haad Rin beach. But little do…
Echo beach thailand
Close your eyes and think back. Picture that moment returning home from a long exhausting journey and how good it felt to kick off…