Tru News

No Fake News. Just Good News

Here at TruHQ there's not much that we love more than travelling, but writing about our travels and passing our wisdom on to others does come a close second. Below is a selection of blogs written by our team to inspire, guide and help you in your future travels! Happy reading!

Monks outside Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Cambodia is famed for majestic temples such as Angkor Wat, but there is more than meets the eye to this small Asian country. Our T…
confessions of a group leader
Everyday is a holiday when you’re a TruTravels Group Leader, and I thank my lucky stars it happens to be my gig. If you’ve tra…
Dream Job beach days
Always wanted to travel the world for work?! Imagine meeting awesome people from all around the globe and sharing your love for tr…
Sophie - Apr 27, 2024
You’ve defo heard about them, but you probably are thinking…what exactly makes a group tour so special? Holidays are super spe…
large group of people on a boat holing beers in the air in Thailand
TruCrew - May 30, 2017
One of our legendary TruTravellers, Charlotte from our past 10 day Bali Experience tells us her real experience of being on a…
World Leaders in Pool with Beers enjoying the sun with Palm Trees and Ocean Putin Trump Merkel Trudeau
With everything going on in the world and all the politicians in the news, it got us thinking… what would they be like if they w…

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